Fast pizza delivery from FMFR - you are a few clicks away from the most delicious pizza in Ternopil!


Pizza is an extremely popular dish, which is preferred by both adults and children. When you want to have a tasty and hearty meal, organize friendly or family gatherings, prepare for a birthday celebration or other event, relax after a hard day or have lunch in the office with colleagues, most Ternopil residents choose it. Pizzerias in Ternopil cook this food in their own way, but the legendary Faine Misto Pub offers to taste a dish that is as close as possible to traditional Italian one. The Faine Misto Family Restaurants knows how to please every guest, and therefore gives the opportunity to order pizza for every taste.


Pizza menu Pub

Pizza menu Antica

Pizza menu Road

Pizza delivery Ternopil from FMFR: order your favorite dish wherever it's convenient for you!

pizza delivery ternopil

Pizza from FMRF is the best. It's so delicious that you will want to eat every last bite, including tender and delicious sides. And what a variety of toppings! There are so many of them and they are so colorful that you will certainly find your favorite taste. It's worth ordering pizza delivery from the Fine Misto Family Restaurants because our couriers arrive quickly and bring the dish still hot, as if just taken out of the oven. Pizza delivery is carried out within the city and suburbs, the cost of the service depends on your location, which is 90 and 110 UAH. The minimum order amount is 250 UAH in Ternopil and 400 UAH outside the city. And if you ordered a traditional dish of Italian cuisine for the company and the amount in the check is 1500 UAH or more, the delivery service is absolutely free. If you liked our pizza - delivery of this dish is carried out by pre-order on the website or in the mobile application. In addition, you can call us at 068-055-77-11. Pizza delivery Ternopil is also possible for a specific date and time, so that you get the dish still hot and met your guests not with an empty table. 


Order pizza from Fine Pub - treat yourself to real deliciousness!

Order pizza Ternopil FMFR offers for every taste with both traditional and original fillings. In each dish you can feel the real Italian atmosphere, in which there are Galician notes of generosity and love. FMFR advises to pay attention to the following popular items:

pizza delivery ternopil

  • Margarita. The legendary pizza from the Fine City Pub with laconic ingredients that will surely appeal to every gourmet. Having tasted it, you will feel a special Italian atmosphere, because the history of the legendary dish began with it.
  • With veal. This is an ideal position for those who are hungry and can not imagine a delicious snack without meat! This pizza from the Fine City Pub is hearty and nutritious. It energizes and gives positive emotions.
  • Cheese. If you like delicate flavors and aromas, FMFR recommends ordering Fine Misto pizza with 3 types of cheeses. Having tasted a slice and appreciating how it stretches appetizingly and melts in your mouth, you will be convinced of the perfect combination of these ingredients.
  • Paperoni. From Faine Misto Pub pizza with pepperoni will make a great impression on lovers of spicy food.
  • Prosciutto. Immerse yourself in the Italian atmosphere without leaving your home, because this pizza Ternopil is cooked using branded Italian ham.
  • Craft. This is our pizza Ternopil, which captivated the hearts of many with its original and unique taste. It harmoniously intertwines quite interesting ingredients, so it will definitely appeal to those who like something unusual.
  • Meat. Taste a truly satisfying delicacy that will charge you with energy and strength. There is so much meat in this dish! 
  • With chicken and Dorblu. Do you want to taste a light pizza Ternopil? Pay attention to the dish, the taste of which is perfectly complemented by juicy chicken fillet and fragrant Dorblu cheese.
  • Salami. There is nothing superfluous in this pizza - everything is hearty, appetizing, concise. Believe me, you will eat everything to the last bite, including crispy and at the same time tender sides.

order pizza ternopil

This is not all the positions presented in the menu. It is regularly updated taking into account the seasonality and wishes of our guests! Taste the pizza that tastes special and fills the body with a positive mood!


browse the menu

How pizza is cooked at the Fine Misto Pub: the secrets of creating the best dishes!

The Fine Misto Family Restaurants knows how to pleasantly surprise, and pizza pub Ternopil is no exception. Did you know how each dish is cooked? To create it, our pizzaiolo use a unique technology. To obtain a tender, fragrant and light dough that is perfectly digestible, a double fermentation process is used, which takes exactly 1 day. Flour is added only finely ground, which also has a positive effect on the structure of the dough. Another very important ingredient that affects the taste of the dish is love. The dough is kneaded by hand, so when you taste it, you will definitely feel special warmth and sincere feelings. You will be able to taste what they taste like when you order a pizza from FMRF. Spend time tasty, fun and unforgettable - order the best pizza, and we will quickly deliver it to wherever you want. Pizza delivery Fine City is a great opportunity to eat your heart out without spending time in the kitchen. Order this traditional dish from us, devote time to yourself and your loved ones, and we will make the gatherings also delicious.


FRFM offers to order Italian pizza for delivery from the conceptual Italian restaurant Antica Eatery!

pizza delivery

In addition to the Faine Misto Pub, you can order Italian pizza for delivery from the new Antica Eatery concept restaurant. We prepare it using the technologies of indigenous Italians. To create the dough, we use the finest grinding flour of class "00", this variety is considered the most suitable for making focaccia with crispy and, at the same time, such tender and fragrant sides. Our Antica Eatery restaurant also took care of the variety of toppings. Here you can order pizza with fish and seafood, various varieties of authentic Italian cheeses, sausages and meat. Of course, we do not forget to make the food as flavorful and tender as possible by adding juicy vegetables and fresh herbs. If you are interested in pizza delivery, Antika offers to place an order by phone, or on the website or in the mobile app. As with all other restaurants, the dishes are delivered not only to the city but also to nearby villages, so each of you can enjoy delicious and still hot pizza wherever you are. Celebrate important events, organize evening gatherings with your loved ones, enjoy the silence alone and with a slice of your favorite dish in your hands - Italian pizza Ternopil will be a great solution for a perfect and carefree vacation!

pizza menu Antica


Pizza from Road restaurant: what makes the dish special and why you should order it here?

order pizza

Road restaurant is an establishment that offers pizza delivery to Ternopil and suburban areas. We prepare it so that you can enjoy every bite, including the tender and flavorful sides. The menu includes mostly well-known pizza items that will be appreciated by fans of the classics. If you like Italian ham, then you will like Prosciutto, and sausage - Salami. If you are hungry and want to eat your heart out, pay attention to the "Meat" pizza, which perfectly harmonizes hunting sausages, ham and bacon with fresh tomato sauce of our own making. "Cheese" pizza for delivery is an ideal solution for those who appreciate tenderness and lightness, a pleasant aftertaste, and "Capriccioza" is a dish that will appeal to lovers of tender ham and fragrant mushrooms. If you love spicy food, order "Papieroni" and feel the piquancy of the flavors! Celebrate important events, organize an evening at home or away, invite your family to outdoor gatherings in warm weather, treat yourself to the perfect pizza after a busy and productive day, and our Road restaurant will bring it to where it is convenient.

pizza menu Road